Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Friends list is now working, only thing left to do is update the requesting players side!

I would say the chat server is very close to completion, i will work on teams next and after thats complete we'll begin work on the GameServer adding in Buying/Selling/Combat and Equipping, release is not too far away now, so i'll keep you all posted!

By the way if anyone wishes to donate so we can have the money on hand to open up a dedicated server when its ready please do so via this!

Donation is set to 30$ for Japanese, if your from anywhere other than Japan donate to

thank you everyone!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Group Chat is fully working

Hello everyone, i just wanted to post and update about group chat. You may now fully utilize every option in group chat, every function in group chat works here is a list.

Invite - Works
Reject - Works
Leave - Works
Notify other Participants of people who have left - Works
Chat - Works

So, now i will move on to finishing teams, and Adding/Deleting Friends/Team Members.
I am still hoping to release within just under two months, thank you.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Some news..

Not alot of news so far just random stuff we've been up too, i've added a few features and done some internal work on the new server, most notably team creation and group chat now works.

We've decided we're going to release in two months time, some features arent guaranteed but they should make it in shortly after, enjoy.